Ranbir Kapoor launched his official website on 9th December,2008 at the J.W.Marriott in Mumbai at a press conference for Globosport Digital. Speaking on the occassion, Ranbir said: “I am delighted to be associated with GSD which is developing this unique platform for me to reach out to my fans, beyond my movies. Today, the power of Internet and mobile is unmatched and in a fast-changing world, it is very important to have a presence in the digital space in order to interact with fans, who are eager consumers of exclusive content.”
You can check out his official website here:
i luv u ranbir …… u r so cute
hiiiiiiiiiiiii baby
hiiiiiiiiiiii ranbir
Hey ranbir I’m diya I’m one of ur biggest fans ever and hoping one day u can come to Canada btw I have seen all ur movies and have been a fan since the release of jab se tere nana from sawwariya
hye ranbir im just an ordinary fan of yours from malaysia, hoping to see you soon. Please come to malaysia pleaseee pleaseee
I am your big fan.I will definitely meet u one day.
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuu so so so so so so much…
u r 2 adorable…….u r truely a rockstar……….