So the 2011 bollywood award season has begun and it has already bagged its first casualty. The prestigious Screen Awards conducted by Screen Weekly held a poll for a special category of awards called the Popular Choice Awards which they started in 2009. One of the categories was the Most Popular Male Actor and after a week of polling, Ranbir Kapoor was the clear winner by a handsome margin; but sadly Screen could not honor the public mandate. They instead chose to hand over the award to Shahrukh Khan because Ranbir was unavailable to attend the award function owing to his busy schedule. All we ask of Screen is maybe they shouldn’t have shown the total votes polled for everyone to see if they wanted to pick the winner by themselves in the end anyways. Maybe next time they will be more careful.
A pic taken a few hours post the award just to validate our point:
And Screen Awards want a feedback on their show, we would love to remind them of the ridiculous booboo they committed this year; so that they can be more careful with their rigging next time. You can too, right here:
Update from a very reliable, trustworthy source : “Ranbir was to get it till the very last moment and Star TV changed it to satisfy Star Fox who produced My Name is Khan. Both Neetu and RIshi Kapoor were to get the best jodi award for DDC and they changed that to Ranbir and Katrina which never happened and then to Aish Hritik that too didnt happen resulting into no best jodi award.All these awards are rigged to suit the channels trps. Appalling was Ranbirs last minute change which embarrassed Screen a lot.”
harr jagah hi to u r getting awards for yr nonsense film rockstar. itna lalach acha nhi hai mr.kapoor nahi woh film achi thi nahi story aur nahi u deserve best actor award.
@Shalu if you don’t like what are you doing here? You have right to insult Ranbir got it! He is the best actor and his film Rockstar was awesome! He deserves to win every award. If you cannot see and acknowledge that he is the best actor then there is obviously something wrong with you. We love Ranbir Kapoor a lot, and you shouldn’t be on this forum, if you are going insult an awesome actor who is good looking and acts extremely well.
@Shalu if you don’t like him what are you doing here? You have no right to insult Ranbir got it! He is the best actor and his film Rockstar was awesome! He deserves to win every award. If you cannot see and acknowledge that he is the best actor then there is obviously something wrong with you. We love Ranbir Kapoor a lot, and you shouldn’t be on this forum, if you are going insult an awesome actor who is good looking and acts extremely well.
ranbir is the best & no one can stop him ……now …..
we all love him…..muaaah…..ranbir u r d best…
love u
i wonder..this time also they will do the same…any way ranbir is the BESTES..!! no one can touch him now..i dont care whether he wins awards or not..he is the ultimate Winner..alwayz..
Get lost Star awards… Frauds ,… bloody jury members…Don't have sense